Sunday, February 12, 2012

Each one doing their part...

I just want to point out one thing about the "tv" answer to prayer. The Friday before that happened, everyone in the house went to meet the neighbors. They took cookies the children made that day and met the closest neighbors and the lady who brought the tv was one they had met. I don't think that she would have brought that tv without that interaction with us. I say us, but I actually missed it as I was at work. It just stood out to me how the one part of the Body was doing it's part and they all rejoiced in the end. It makes me not want to miss those "parts" I could play in my brother or sister's life.

I also want to encourage anyone looking to do something and be active in building the Kingdom. I recently read the last half of The Good Confession, by Watchman Nee. It talks about witnessing and the importance of prayer in doing that. It really gave me some direction in my ideas of witnessing. There are some neat stories he tells to illustrate his point. So, with all that God has been showing us about prayer, and we all want to witness better, I highly recommend it. It's only 114 pages. I got my copy here
and it says damaged but it's just old smelling.


  1. LOVE y'all's updates! Thanks for the "rest of the story" :-)

  2. Love reading your stories. Love and miss you all
